1. Are you from the States or Canada?
미국에서 오셨습니까? 캐나다에서 오셨습니까?
from the States 연음 / 유음화 현상
2. I saw you in front of the building yesterday.
어제 당신을 그 건물 앞에서 봤습니다.
saw의 발음 / in front of 연음
3. Really? I'm sorry I didn't notice you.
정말이에요? 못 알아봐서 죄송합니다.
notice / recognize
4. Is she coming to our meeting this afternoon?
오늘 오후에 그녀는 우리의 모임에 옵니까?
Are you coming to our party tonight?
5. Are you satisfied with the result?
결과에 만족하세요?
Are you satisfied with his gift?
Do you like his gift?
6. Is there anything I can do for you?
뭐 제가 도와드릴 일이 있습니까?
May I help you?
7. There is a man waiting for you in your office.
당신의 사무실에서 당신을 기다리는 사람이 있습니다.
There is a guy calling you out in the lobby.
There's a woman smoking in front of your office.
8. How many are there in the party?
파티에 몇 명 왔습니까?
How many do you have in your family?
9. Do you happen to know his phone number?
혹시 그의 전화번호를 아세요?
By any chance, do you know his phone number?
10. Did you happen to watch the game on TV last night?
혹시 어제 밤에 TV에서 그 경기를 봤습니까?