‘희소직업군’에 포함된 ‘흔한 직업들’ / 수임료 특가 연장

‘희소직업군’에 포함된 ‘흔한 직업들’ / 수임료 특가 연장

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체류기간 3년이 안돼도, 시급이 27불이 아니라도 2021 특별영주권 신청 자격을 주는 Scarce (Jobs) List를 한번 자세히 보십시오. ‘희소직업군’으로 번역되는 이름과 달리 ‘흔한 직업들’이 엄청나게 많이 포함되어 있습니다. 워크비자를 갖고 계신 우리 교민들 거의 모두가 이 리스트에 포함된 직업에서 일하고 계신 것 아닌가 생각될 정도로 온갖 단순직업들이 포함되어 있습니다. 

희소직업군 (일부만 번역, 소개합니다)

- 제빵사 (빵 만드는 사람), 제빵공장 근로자 (제빵공장에서 일하기만 하면 무슨 일을 하든지 상관없는 것 같음), 양봉업 종사자, 수목재배자, 육우농장 근로자, 육우 농민, 보트 건조 및 수리공, 양조장 근로자, 금고 제조공, 쉐프, 쿡, 약사, 과자 제조공, 목화재배인, 곡식농장 근로자, 곡식농업인, 축산목장 근로자, 축산 목축업자, 유제품 제조인, 데크 핸드, 사슴 축산업자, 담장건축자, 꽃꽂이 하는 사람, 음료수나 식료품 공장 근로자, 식품 제조 기술자, 식품가게 보조원, 신발제조기계 운전자, 임업종사자, 과일 채소 공장 근로자, 과일 채소 포장 근로자, ,과일 또는 너트 농장 근로자, ,과일 또는 너트 재배자, 과일 또는 너트 따는 사람, 가구 마무리하는 사람, 정원사 (일반), 염소 목축인, 제분소 근로자, 곡식 식용유 또는 목초 농장 근로자, 포도 재배자, 골프장관리인, 가죽가공기계 운전자, 말 수정사, 말 관리사, 버섯 따는 사람, 육류 다듬는 사람, 육류 포장하는 사람 등 등

(이 외에도 매우 많은 직업이 포함되어 있습니다. 직접 영어로 읽어 보시거나, 그렇게 하기 힘드신 분은 지금 하고 계신 일을 알려주시면 여기에 포함되어 있는지 제가 확인해 드리겠습니다.) – 영어로 된 풀 리스트는 이 글 맨 아래에 게재되어 있습니다.

장기부족 직업군 – 여기에 있는 직업을 갖고 계시는 분은 본인이 해당되는지 이미 잘 알고 계실 것 같아서 번역 소개를 하지 않습니다. 웹 디자이너를 포함한 IT 업계 근무자들은 거의 모두 해당이 되는 것 같고, 그 외에도 많은 직업이 포함되어 있습니다. 영어로 된 풀 리스트는 이 글 맨 아래에 게재되어 있습니다. 

2021 특별영주권 신청 대행 수수료 특가 무기한 연장 및 단순화, 싱글 신청자 수임료 인하 안내 

2021 특별 영주권 (배우자, 자녀 포함)   $1,200 + GST 

2021 특별 영주권 (단독 신청자) $1,000 (GST 포함)

7.19 Special Essential Work Visa    $800 + GST

VOC    $600 + GST

* 이민성 접수비, 각종 서류 발급 비용, 번역료, 신체검사비 등은 별도입니다.

* 기존 워크비자를 다른 이민법무사를 통해서 발급받으신 분도 아무 불편없이 진행할 수 있습니다:

- 예전 이민법무사에게서 서류를 받아 올 필요가 없습니다.

- 예전 이민법무사가 발급해 준 이민성 아이디와 비번이 있는 분은 그것을 그대로 사용하실 수 있습니다.

* 모든 업무는 비대면으로 진행합니다.

전화: 0210 333 347

이메일: taekwonlawyer@naver.com

Scarce list — Primary sector roles

Arborist, Baker, Baking factory worker, Beef cattle farm worker, Beef cattle farmer, Boat builder and repairer, Brewery worker, Butcher or smallgoods maker, Cabinetmakers, Cardiac technician, Chef, Chemist, Confectionery maker, Conservation Officer, Cook, Cotton Grower, Crop farm workers nec, Crop Farmers nec, Dairy cattle farm worker, Dairy cattle farmer, Dairy products , aker, Deck hand, Deer farmer, Dog handler or trainer, Environmental consultant, Environmental engineer, Environmental manager, Environmental research scientist, Environmental scientists nec, Fabric and textile factory worker, Farm, forestry and garden workers, Farrier, Fencer, Fisheries officer, Fishing hand, Florist, Food and drink factory workers nec, Food technologist, Food trades assistants nec, Footwear production machine operator, Forester (AUS) / Forest scientist (NZ), Forestry worker, Fruit and vegetable factory worker, Fruit and vegetable packer, Fruit or nut farm worker, Fruit or Nut Grower, Fruit or nut picker, Furniture finisher, Gardener (general), Goat farmer, Grain mill worker, Grain, oilseed or pasture farm worker (AUS) / Field crop farm worker (NZ), Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower / Field Crop Grower, Grape Grower, Greenskeeper, Hide and skin processing machines operators, Hide and skin processing worker, Horse breeder, Horse groomer, Horticultural nursery assistant, Hunter-trapper, Kennel hand, Knitting machine operator, Landscape gardener, Livestock farm workers nec, Livestock farmers, Logging assistant, Logging plant operator, Marine biologist, Marine transport professionals nec, Master fisher, Meat boner and slicer, Meat inspector, Meat packer, Meat process worker, Medical laboratory technician, Medical technician nec, Mixed crop and livestock farm worker, Mixed crop and livestock farmer, Mixed Crop Farmer, Mixed livestock farm worker, Mixed livestock farmer, Mushroom picker, Nurserypersons, Operating theatre technician, Other wood processing machine operator nec, Paper and pulp mill operator, Paper products machine operator, Park ranger, Pastrycook, Pastrycook's assistant, Pathology collector / phlebotomist, Pest controller, Pet groomer, Pharmacy technician, Picture framer, Pig farmer, Poultry farm worker, Poultry farmer, Poultry process worker, Primary products inspectors nec, Production manager (forestry), Quarantine officer, Saw maker and repairer, Sawmill or timber yard worker, Sawmilling operator, Seafood packer, Seafood process worker, Shearer, Sheep farm worker, Sheep farmer, Ship's engineer, Ship's master, Ship's officer, Ship's surveyor, Shipwright, Slaughterer, Stablehand, Sugar Cane Grower, Sugar mill worker, Tanker driver, Textile and footwear production machine operators nec, Textile dyeing and finishing machine operator, Tree faller, Turf Grower, Vegetable farm worker (AUS) / Market garden worker (NZ), Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ), Vegetable picker, Veterinarian, Veterinary nurse, Vineyard worker, Weaving machine operator, Wine maker, Winery cellar hand, Wood and wood products factory worker, Wood machinist, Wood machinist and other wood trades workers nec, Wood turner, Wool buyer, Wool classer, Wool handler, Yard carding and spinning machine operator, Zookeeper, Agricultural and horticultural mobile plant operator, Agricultural consultant, Agricultural engineer, Agricultural scientist, Agricultural technician, Anaesthetic technician, Animal attendants and trainers nec, Apiarist, Aquaculture farmer, Aquaculture worker

Long Term Skill Shortage List

Analyst programmer / Automotive electrician Chef (chef de partie or higher)  / Chemical engineer / Civil engineer  / Civil engineering technician  / Clinical psychologist  / Computer network and systems engineer / Construction project manager  / Database administrator / Developer programmer /  Diagnostic and interventional radiologist /  Diesel motor mechanic (including heavy vehicle inspector) / Electric line mechanic Electrical engineer / Electrical engineering technician / Electrician (general)/ Electronic engineering technician/  Electronics engineer / Engineering professional /Environmental engineer / Environmental research scientist / Food technologist /General practitioner / Geotechnical engineer / ICT business analyst / ICT customer support officer /  ICT project manager / ICT quality assurance engineer / ICT security specialist /  ICT support and test engineer / ICT support engineer / ICT systems test engineer /  Industrial engineer / Materials engineer /Mechanical engineer / Medical laboratory scientist /  Medical radiation therapist / Multimedia specialist (film animator) / Multimedia specialist /  Network administrator / Obstetrician and gynaecologist / Organisation and methods analyst / Other spatial scientist / Physicist (medical) / Physiotherapist / Procurement manager / Production or plant engineer /Project builder (including building project manager and site foreman) / Psychiatrist / Quantity surveyor / Registered nurse (aged care) / Software engineer /Software tester/ Software and applications programmer/ Sonographer  /Specialist physician in palliative medicine/ Structural engineer/ Surgeon (general) / Surveyor / Systems administrator / Systems analyst / Telecommunications engineer / Telecommunications network engineer / Veterinarian / Web developer   

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