(((( 11년만에 밝혀진 진실이 체포한 NZ 영주권자 ))))

(((( 11년만에 밝혀진 진실이 체포한 NZ 영주권자 ))))

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​​Yunjuan Li was sentenced at the Christchurch District Court after pleading guilty to six charges of supplying false or misleading information to an immigration officer and one representative charge of producing a passport knowing it to have been fraudulently obtained.

After being declined a visa to New Zealand, Yunjuan Li enlisted the help of an international travel agency to change the identity of both her and her 18- year-old son and obtained a fraudulent Chinese passport for both of them.

Under her new identity Li was approved a visitor visa in 2005 and subsequently married a New Zealand citizen in 2006. In 2011 she was granted a residence under her false identity. She was arrested in 2015 following an investigation by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) which revealed the true extent of her offending.

INZ Assistant General Manager, Peter Devoy says, “Over a period of years Yunjuan Li successfully duped a number of people and organisations into believing she was someone else.

Immigration New Zealand will not stand by while people commit immigration fraud. The message is clear - we will find you and we will take you to court.”

INZ will be reviewing Li’s liability for deportation.

Li’s 30 year old son – Bao Li was sentenced to 300 hours of community work and placed under a community detention order for his offending.

한 중국여성이 여권을 위조하고 본인의 신분을 위조하여 아들과 뉴질랜드에 입국한 때가 2005년이랍니다.
그래서 시민권자랑 결혼하여 드디어 영주권을 2011년에 받아들었다지요.
하지만, 그 부귀와 영화는 5년만에 파탄이 났습니다.
이민부의 끈질긴 조사 끝에 이 여성은 체포가 되었습니다.
그 모든 진실이 밝혀지기까진 10년도 더 걸렸답니다.

물 위에 떠 있는 백조가 그렇게 있기 위해선 늘 바쁘지요.
이민부도 경찰도 IRD도 무언가 하고 있다는것을 여실히 증명하는 순간이 아닐수 없습니다.

사람의 법은 약속이며 신뢰라고 굳건히 믿는
NZ공인 이민법무사 제 200800757호


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