FIFA U-20 World Cup 2015

FIFA U-20 World Cup 2015

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Seven host cities throughout New Zealand will host some of the most talented rising stars of the world game when the FIFA U-20 World Cup is staged in New Zealand in 2015. 

Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, New Plymouth and Wellington in the North Island will host games, while Christchurch and Dunedin will represent the sport-loving South Island. The schedule sees four pool games played in two of the seven host cities daily - with plenty of double-header football action to whet the sporting appetite.

During the three-week tournament (30 May - 20 June 2015) New Zealand will play host to 24 international teams, with a total of 52 matches played. 

Plenty to explore

Football fans can take in all New Zealand has to offer with 52 matches shared among the seven host cities: Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, New Plymouth and Wellington in the North Island, and Christchurch and Dunedin in the spectacular south.
There is so much to see, do and explore between the big games, all on the doorstep of the host venues and beyond.

Broadcast to more than 100 countries, with a global reach of around 170 million people, the FIFA U-20 World Cup will also help promote New Zealand to the world. Thousands of overseas football fans are expected to travel to the country in support of their team.

Credit :  

Tourism NZ

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