Record migration means we need more houses, now

Record migration means we need more houses, now

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New immigration numbers out today show John Key needs to get his act together and solve the housing crisis in Auckland.
“John Key loves crowing that high immigration is great for New Zealand but where is everyone going to live?” said Green Party housing spokesperson Kevin Hague.
“We’ve had a net gain of 56,000 people in the year to March, mostly in Auckland, but construction of new housing is nowhere near to catching up with that.
“There simply aren’t enough houses to go around, particularly in Auckland, and John Key is too busy sitting on his hands to do anything meaningful on this issue.
“We have a massive shortage of affordable, quality housing in Auckland, and there’s a lack of incentive for immigrants to move anywhere but Auckland.
“John Key wants to let the housing market run riot, without any real regulation by the Government. “That’s the approach of a reckless banker, not a Prime Minister.
“We need a capital gains tax and a ban on non-resident foreign buyers ASAP to help curb property speculation, and to allow hardworking, tax-paying people, including new migrants, to live and prosper in New Zealand.
“The Government should also be embarking on a major state house building programme, fast-tracking medium-density housing consents around public transport corridors, and encouraging regional economic development,” said Mr Hague.
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