Support for Volunteering Fund opens online

Support for Volunteering Fund opens online

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Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Jo Goodhew today announced a new funding round has opened for the Support for Volunteering Fund, and applications can now be lodged online.

“Each year the Fund seeks to support, promote and strengthen volunteering in the community with $502,000 available for volunteers and volunteer projects,” Mrs Goodhew says.

“Funds are provided to projects that support volunteering in New Zealand,” Mrs Goodhew says. “In previous years it has allowed some centres to increase recruitment and training of volunteers and managers.”

Funding in previous years has allowed Arohanui Hospice to increase volunteer numbers by 238 people, and in 2014 the Chinese New Settlers Services Trust held 40 workshops to help new Asian migrants gain employment and settle into the community.

“The Fund also supports Māori, Pacific and ethnic communities or other organisations with capacity and capability-building projects that promote and support volunteering,” Mrs Goodhew says.

Organisations applying for funds are required to have legal entity status, appropriate governance and management structures and processes in place.

For the first time applicants can now make their submission online. Applications to the fund must be submitted by 6 May 2015.

Visit for more information.

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