Crime falls for fifth year in a row

Crime falls for fifth year in a row

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Police Minister Michael Woodhouse welcomes crime data released today showing recorded crime has dropped by more than 100,000 offences over the last five years.


The 2014 recorded crime rate dropped by 4.2 per cent per head of population, with 10,022 fewer recorded crimes compared to the year before, and 101,016 fewer offences in 2014 compared to 2009.


“The continuous drop in crime over the last five years shows the Government’s strong focus on law and order is delivering great results and preventing more New Zealanders becoming victims of crime,” Mr Woodhouse says.


“It is pleasing to see that crime fell in ten of the twelve Police districts in 2014, with the biggest drop of 9.4 per cent seen in Waikato and 7.8 per cent in Canterbury.


“While sexual violence is historically under-reported, it remains a significant concern with an increase in recorded offences by 3.5 per cent. I encourage victims of sexual assault to continue to come forward and report this crime.


“We are continuing to send the strong message that crime won’t be tolerated and the 4.2 per cent drop in the overall crime rate is the result of more frontline officers on our streets, deployed more strategically, in areas and at times when Police know there’s a greater risk of crime."

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