thousands of parents register births quicker and easier online

thousands of parents register births quicker and easier online

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Thousands of parents are using a new Births Deaths and Marriages online service to register the birth of their child.


The service, recently launched by the Department of Internal Affairs, is a much quicker and easier way to register births than using the old paper form says Registrar-General of Births Deaths and Marriages Jeff Montgomery.

“We want to encourage parents to register the birth of their child and putting birth registration online is already having a positive effect with more than 1000 online registrations since our launch on last Monday.


Accurate and timely birth registration is a right of all 57,000 children born in New Zealand each year. Children are entitled to know who their parents are,” Mr Montgomery says.

“Recording both parents on a child's birth registration provides evidence of the person's identity, descent and whakapapa.  

“It’s essential that the official birth record is correct for many reasons. Some entitlements, for example, inheritance and benefits received under trusts, depend on a person establishing that they are the son or daughter of the benefactor.  

“Similarly, certain government grants and benefits depend on a parent-child relationship being established.  In addition, a child may be able to claim citizenship status through a parent, and a birth certificate will provide prima facie evidence of that relationship. Ensuring the integrity of our records is a vital part of good government where the public relies on such records.”


Mr Montgomery says the online birth form, the separate ability for customers to use their RealMe verified account (evidence of identity online) to get copies of births, deaths, marriage records and the special 175thTreaty of Waitangi birth and citizenship certificates, civil union and name change records are examples of the Department making things easier for its customers.


“Our aim is to put the customer at the centre of everything we do. We welcome suggestions from customers about how we can continue do that better.”


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