Citizenship registration crucial for Kiwis born overseas

Citizenship registration crucial for Kiwis born overseas

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Record numbers of Kiwis born overseas are registering their citizenship by descent to ensure they have a New Zealand passport when they need to travel.

In 2014, more than 11,000 overseas-born New Zealanders registered their citizenship by descent with the Department of Internal Affairs avoiding potential travel delays says Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, Marriages, Jeff Montgomery.

“Babies born in Australia and other countries to New Zealand parents are still Kiwis. Before an overseas based family brings their new baby home to meet the Kiwi cousins, they need to register him/her as a citizen by descent before they can apply for a New Zealand passport.

The registration process can take a number of weeks so we urge New Zealanders born overseas to New Zealand parents to register early so they can be issued a New Zealand passport and travel when they want to.”

Almost two-thirds of the 11,004 Kiwis who registered their citizenship by descent were born in Australia, almost 1400 were born in the United Kingdom and the remaining 3300 in 138 other countries.

“Many Kiwis living overseas may still be unaware of the need to register their children as citizens by descent if they want to travel on a New Zealand passport. If you want to find out more about the registration process, please visit our website, . Kiwis in Australia can also contact our Sydney office, Kiwis living in Europe can contact our London office.”

More than 63,000 babies are born in New Zealand each year and at least 10,000 are born overseas.


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