International education now worth $2.85 billion

International education now worth $2.85 billion

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International education continues to be a star performer in New Zealand’s export-led growth according to latest data, Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Steven Joyce says.


The International Education Snapshot report released today shows that the international education industry grew strongly throughout 2014 and it is now valued at $2.85 billion.


“As further proof of the industry’s strong performance, it is now supporting more than 30,000 jobs in New Zealand,” says Mr Joyce.


The January to August 2014 results show a 12 per cent increase in student numbers (approximately 10,100 students) when compared with the same period in 2013.  This saw an $83 million boost in tuition fee income, a 13 per cent increase on the previous year’s figures.


“The increase in fee income is revenue that institutions can channel back into programmes or facilities to benefit their students, staff and local communities,” says Mr Joyce.


“It is pleasing to see that student numbers are at the highest level they’ve been in the last four years.  It’s particularly pleasing to see a big lift in higher-level study, with a 41 per cent increase in the number of students studying for postgraduate level qualifications.


“International education continues to be a very important export earner for New Zealand.  International students also help to build our country’s links with our trading partners and they enrich the communities in which they live and study,” Mr Joyce says.


The report shows growth was led by the Private Training Establishment sector, with student numbers up 21 per cent and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics, up 16 per cent.


Other highlights include Canterbury’s international education industry continuing to recover with enrolments returning close to 2011 levels, up 17 per cent, and secondary school sector enrolments up three per cent.


“The report also shows the outlook for the international education sector for the next while continues to be strong.  Total student visas for August to November 2014 were up 27 per cent compared to 2013,” says Mr Joyce.


“Government agencies will continue their work with the sector in 2015 to help institutions achieve sustainable growth right around the country.”


To view: International Education Snapshot Report: January to August 2014

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