NZ Sculpture OnShore 2014 to open this week

NZ Sculpture OnShore 2014 to open this week

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4 November 2014, AUCKLAND: NZ Sculpture OnShore’s 2014 exhibition is set to return this week, once again presenting a fresh and inspiring showcase of contemporary New Zealand art practice at the stunning Fort Takapuna Reserve on Auckland’s North Shore.

Now in its 20th year, NZ Sculpture OnShore promises an exciting, engaging and interactive experience with work including three-dimensional art, site-specific ephemeral installations, light and sound works – as well as contemporary work in bronze, stone, and other media.

More than 100 artists are exhibiting in the outdoor exhibition – with almost as many again contributing smaller works to the indoor gallery. Most of the artworks have been specifically created for the exhibition, and visitors can expect to see work from well-known names such as Paul Dibble, Mary-Louise Brown and Lonnie Hutchinson alongside sculptures from emerging new talents. More than 30 per cent of this year’s work will be from new faces – offering an exciting glimpse into New Zealand’s changing artistic landscape.

A highlight on the national events calendar, NZ Sculpture OnShore is a major fundraiser for Women’s Refuge New Zealand and to date, has donated more than $1.34m – making NZ Sculpture OnShore one the charity’s largest and most significant sources of private funding. 

This year too, the Children’s Sculpture Exhibition returns to the underground fort. This showcase of sculptures created by Auckland school children has run alongside NZ Sculpture OnShore since 2004.

NZ Sculpture Onshore 2014 is open daily from 6-16th November, 10.00am – 6.00pm (last entry at 5.15pm).

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