Business welcomes Inland Revenue videos in Mandarin and Korean

Business welcomes Inland Revenue videos in Mandarin and Korean

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Six Introduction to Business videos in Mandarin and Korean have been launched by Inland Revenue.


The videos are designed to make it easier for businesses and not-for-profit organisations to understand their tax affairs.


James Ahn, President of New Zealand Korean Restaurant Association said the videos will help businesses save money.


“When starting a business it costs $400 for a first consultancy with an Accountant in Korean,” said Mr Ahn. “Business owners will save this as the videos’ content are reliable. I believe they will improve the relationship between the Korean community and New Zealand government. We are truly grateful,” he said.


The videos include help for customers wanting to learn more about business structure, record-keeping and expenses, how to register for GST, and income and provisional tax.


Jessica Wang, General Secretary Global Federation of Chinese Business Women of New Zealand, said she welcomes the subjects the videos cover.


 “They make it easy to learn about getting your tax right when it comes to running your business and the topics covered are really useful” said Ms Wang. “They’ve encouraged me to get further help from Inland Revenue through its helpline and website if I need it,” she said.


Rosa Chow, Tutor at the School of Sustainable Business Management of Te Wananga O Aotearoa said the new online resources are easy to follow.


“The language and visuals used are impressive and will enhance people’s understanding of what they need to do and how,” said Ms Chow.


Eleanor Young, Group Manager for Customer Services at Inland Revenue, said the department recognises New Zealanders’ have different needs and is committed to making tax understandable for everyone.


 “Offering our online videos to people in their preferred language is another great step forward,” said Ms Young.  “We lead busy lives and the fact the videos can be re-watched, anytime, anywhere is a real bonus. People can quickly work out their tax in a language they are comfortable using and get it right first time,” she said.


The Introduction to Business videos in Mandarin and Korean are now available to view on Inland Revenue’s website. 

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