3,500 more kids receiving free doctors’ visits

3,500 more kids receiving free doctors’ visits

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Health Minister Tony Ryall congratulates the twelve general practices who have recently joined the zero fees scheme and are now providing free doctors’ visits to children under six during the day.
“Thanks to these twelve general practices joining the Government’s $30 million zero fees for under- sixes scheme, 3,500 more children are now able to see a doctor during the day at no cost,” says Mr Ryall.
The general practices are located in North Shore, Auckland City, Blenheim, Templeton, Rolleston and Invercargill.
While visiting general practices in the Wanganui and Manawatu region today, Mr Ryall said more children than ever before can go to the doctor for free.
“96 per cent of children under six can now go to the doctor for free during the day and after hours – this is over 350,000 children,” says Mr Ryall.
“This government is committed to making it easier for families with young children to go to the GP. In 2006, under the previous government, only 77,000 children were receiving free doctors’ visits during the day and there was no scheme providing free after hours doctors’ visits.
“I’d like to thank GPs and practice nurses for their dedication to providing young New Zealand children free health care and being part of the voluntary zero fees scheme.
“Of the 1051 general practices in the country, there are only 47 practices that have chosen not to provide zero fee doctors’ visits to children under six.”

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