New Zealand and Chile sign agricultural agreement

New Zealand and Chile sign agricultural agreement

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Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy and his Chilean counterpart Luis Mayol have signed a revised Agriculture Cooperation Forward Agenda between New Zealand and Chile.

“New Zealand and Chile have a strong relationship, underscored by their role in the formation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” says Mr Guy.
“New Zealand and Chile are like cousins and since 2007 New Zealand has invested $630 million in Chile.
“The significant agriculture investment in Chile provides commercial opportunities for New Zealand businesses, while enabling an exchange of New Zealand expertise in the sector.
“Chile has an additional 5 million hectares suitable for dairying and New Zealand products and expertise will play a big role in future development.”
The Agenda, first signed in 2011, focuses on four key priority areas: Science and innovation; education and training; climate change and resource management; and Trade and Investment.
Key commitments include:
· Exploring Partnerships between New Zealand and Chilean research institutes to promote innovation in our respective agricultural sectors;
· Collaborating to confront common challenges such as combating Psa in kiwifruit;
· Promoting trade, investment and exchanges in the pastoral sector; and
· Strengthen collaboration in the context of the Global Research Alliance.
“New Zealand has a good story to tell in the area of agricultural productivity and innovation. Chile has big growth plans and our strategic partnership looks really exciting,” says Mr Guy.

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