2,000 new businesses added to SuperGold Card

2,000 new businesses added to SuperGold Card

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Senior Citizens Minister Jo Goodhew is delighted by a recent SuperGold recruitment drive which has seen 2,000 new businesses join the scheme in the past two months.

“This is a fantastic result that has surpassed my expectations. The target I set in May of doubling the size of the programme over the next few years has already been exceeded,” says Mrs Goodhew.

“There are now over 3,600 participating businesses, representing more than 7,900 outlets nationwide, who are offering discounts to older New Zealanders.”

The new businesses come from a wide range of sectors including health care (including over 30 dentists and nearly 100 pharmacies), trades, automotive, food and drink, home and garden, retail and accommodation.

Mrs Goodhew says a particular focus for this latest drive was to increase the number of participating businesses in provincial or rural areas.

“Given this, it’s pleasing to see that two thirds of these new businesses are from outside the main centres.

“I’m ambitious to see the programme expand even further, and have instructed my officials to set the bar even higher to increase the value older New Zealanders get from their SuperGold Card.

“SuperGold Card holders can also play a vital role themselves in getting more organisations to join up.  They can do this by talking with local business owners who are not already in the scheme and encourage them to sign on.”
A comprehensive list of the businesses offering SuperGold Card discounts in each region can be found at www.supergold.govt.nz/directory

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