B-Boy break dancing competition in New Zealand.

B-Boy break dancing competition in New Zealand.

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The world’s most globally recognised B-Boy break dancing competition exercised its ‘pulling power’ for the first time in New Zealand.
B-Boys the length and breadth of the country turned up the heat at Red Bull BC One NZ Cypher competitions in Auckland and Wellington over the weekend. Competitors battled their way into two of 16 places in the Red Bull BC One Asia Pacific Qualifier to be held later this year.
The atmosphere at both events was electric with hundreds of crazed fans supporting competitors. MC Juce1 kept the crowd pumped as around 80 B-Boys battled each other to hip hop beats, spun by Red Bull Thre3Style 2011 Champion DJ Spell.
In Auckland the final battle turned into a showdown between B-Boy Akorn (Christchurch, 22 years) and Grub-D (Christchurch, 27 years), last year’s NZ Red Bull BC One Asia Pacific representative. With the judges still undecided, a sudden death round had to be called before Akorn eventually took the title.
Judge Khymer praised the calibre of B-Boying and the incredible new moves of those competing. “It was a very tough call, but Akorn won the battle with his consistent execution, originality and hunger in the heart”.
But Grub-D was not to be defeated and travelled to Wellington to compete in the Wellington cypher against fellow B-Boy Stretchmark, who had also competed in the Auckland cypher.
The tension was obvious as contestants fought their way through the tight circle around the dance floor, eager to show the judges their moves. However, for the three judges the winner was obvious from the first round. Judge Swerv said, “It was pretty clear cut. I found it quite easy to pick - Grub-D came out top”.
Passionate and determined Grub-D was stoked to earn another place in the Asia Pacific qualifiers. “I was lucky enough to get into the top 16 last year at the qualifiers and I have been working really hard on improving my moves for the competition for this year, which paid off. The night was amazing. I’m so amped”.
B-boy pioneer and Red Bull BC One cypher judge Swerv says it’s awesome that such a prestigious, global event has finally come to New Zealand. “I’m glad that Red Bull came and put this on for us. Red Bull BC One is a big international event so to have it in a small country like New Zealand is awesome. I think it’s a really important thing that we continue this and help build and grow it throughout the country. We definitely have an international standard here”.
Akorn and Grub-D will now represent New Zealand in the next level of the competition, where they will battle fellow B-Boys from Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, South Asia, Laos and Vietnam in an attempt to reach the world final, this year held in Rio de Janerio.
You can check out all the photos at www.redbull.co.nz/bcone to see all of the action.

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