Chinese Vice Premier Hui to visit New Zealand

Chinese Vice Premier Hui to visit New Zealand

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Deputy Prime Minister Bill English will host China’s Vice Premier Hui Liangyu when he visits New Zealand on 27 and 28 September.

The Vice Premier, the second-ranked of China’s four Vice Premiers and a member of China’s Politburo, will be the most senior Chinese official visitor to New Zealand this year.

“China is one of New Zealand’s most important trade and economic partners,” Mr English says. “Our bilateral relationship is in very good shape and regular high-level engagement is critical to maintaining that.

“I made a very productive visit to China in April this year and I’m pleased to host the Vice Premier here in New Zealand.

“Talking directly with one of China’s senior leaders is valuable in understanding the views of China over a range of regional and global issues. That is important to New Zealand as we plan our future strategies in Asia.”

While in New Zealand, the Vice Premier will meet Prime Minister John Key and other senior ministers. Several Chinese Vice Ministers will accompany the Vice Premier, who will preside over the signing of several bilateral arrangements with the Deputy Prime Minister, as well as commercial deals during his visit.

China is now the world’s second largest economy and New Zealand’s second largest export market. Exports to China have tripled in the past five years.

New Zealand and China signed a Free Trade Agreement in 2008. It remains the only comprehensive Free Trade Agreement China has concluded with a developed country.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지


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