NRL Grand Final Vodafone Warriors V Manly Sea Eagles - Big Screens, Free Family Event at Mt Smart th

NRL Grand Final Vodafone Warriors V Manly Sea Eagles - Big Screens, Fr…

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The Vodafone Warriors will play the Manly Sea Eagles in the Grand Final of the 2011 NRL competition this Sunday. Mt Smart is hosting a free of charge, ticketed event to view this game, and two other important games on four large screens.

The curtain raiser between the Vodafone Junior Warriors and the North Queensland Cowboys, as well as the NSW Cup Grand Final between the Auckland Vulcans and the Canterbury Bulldogs will also be screened.

This free family event, with live entertainment throughout the day, including entertainment for children, is being arranged by Mt Smart and Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA). Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED) is a primary funder under the Major Events Fund on behalf of Auckland.

Free tickets are available online at Ticketek, at the Aotea Centre information desk , Mt Smart Stadium office and at a selection of Mad Butcher stores, from 4:00pm today.

The Mayor is encouraging Aucklanders to take advantage of a once in a lifetime experience to see three Warriors teams in Grand Finals in the same year.

"Mt Smart Stadium will be League Heaven on Sunday," says Len Brown. "Show your support for this amazing achievement and... Go The Warriors".

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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