Mayor releases his 100 projects

Mayor releases his 100 projects

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The Mayor has this morning released a list of the 100 projects he committed to promoting during his first 100 days in office.

Len Brown will complete the first 100 days of this term as Mayor on February 8.

“All of these projects were selected because of the pace and momentum they provide to help the whole organisation including staff, elected representatives and CCOs, as well as ratepayers focus on the future of Auckland.”

"When I launched 100/100 I made it clear that the projects could be small, medium-sized or large, and could be just starting, already in progress or close to completion,” says Len Brown.

“Many were already in progress in one form or another. My involvement ensured those projects had the public and council profile they required.

“Others such as the integrated ticket and the CBD rail link are key planks of my mayoralty and I am determined to advance those projects early in this mayoral term.

“A key part of 100/100 is to reassure ratepayers that despite the potential disruption of transition, it is business as usual and the new council is getting on with it and not mucking around,” says the Mayor.

Under the Auckland Council legislation, the role and responsibility of the Mayor is to promote a vision for Auckland.

“These projects were selected from lists drawn up by the council as well as the mayoral office. They represent core council functions. Focusing the council and Aucklanders on our function and future provides the perfect platform to move into the Auckland Summit,” says Len Brown.

The Auckland Summit will be a day-long event to launch the Auckland Plan public consultation process, bringing together representatives from around Auckland to promote engagement in this regional blueprint.

A full list of the 100 projects is attached.
100 projects
ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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