Pansy Wong statement on travel rebate investigation

Pansy Wong statement on travel rebate investigation

0 개 1,916 NZ코리아포스트
Pansy Wong, National MP for Botany, today acknowledged the release of a report investigating the use of her international travel rebate entitlement and other matters.

The report found evidence that a trip to Lianyungang, China, in December 2008 involved activity that, although unplanned and inadvertent, could be construed as private business purposes.

However, the report also found no evidence of systemic abuse of the parliamentary international air travel entitlement by Mrs Wong or her husband.

Mrs Wong says she accepts the findings of the report.

“I apologise, and I will refund the level of rebate attributable to the section of the trip, which amounts to $237.06 each for my husband and myself,” Mrs Wong says.

“The experience of the past three weeks is not something that I would want to repeat.

“I am grateful for the support I have received from family, friends, supporters, and colleagues during this difficult period.

“It has been necessary for me to have time and space to go through the inquiry process in order to be able to give a factual and comprehensive account of my use of the travel rebate over the past decade.

“I am grateful to the Prime Minister for allowing that to happen.

"While it is my hope to return to Cabinet, I understand that it has to be earned, and my energy and focus now will be used to serve the people of Botany and promoting the interests of ethnic communities across our country. I am looking forward to returning to Parliament."

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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