Mayor orders review of CCTV to fight crime

Mayor orders review of CCTV to fight crime

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The Mayor has ordered a review of closed circuit television and its use in the battle against crime.

The review is one of the 100 projects launched by Len Brown in the first 100 days of the Auckland Council.

CCTV is becoming increasingly popular as a tool to prevent and detect crime as the technology becomes more widespread, sophisticated and cost effective.

The issue for the new Auckland Council is how best to coordinate the use of existing CCTV systems and to extend the use of CCTV in association with New Zealand Police, town centres, business associations and residents.

Private businesses, associations and agencies other than council own the vast majority of CCTV systems operating in the streets of Auckland.

Reported crime increased in all three of Auckland’s police districts last year. It increased by between 1.2% in the Waitemata Police District last year, 1.6% in Auckland City Police District and 6.9% in Counties Manukau.

“The use of CCTV is a proven tool in solving crime and making people feel safer,” says Len Brown. “We can reduce crime in Auckland by coordinating the way we use CCTV. We owe it to our people to make them feel as safe as we can in our streets.”

The review will be completed by March.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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