Minister marks Seoul liberation during Korea visit

Minister marks Seoul liberation during Korea visit

0 개 1,290 NZ코리아포스트
Veterans' Affairs Minister Judith Collins will attend the Liberation of Seoul Ceremony at Gyeongbuk Palace and present a set of medals to the War Memorial of Korea when she visits the Republic of Korea next week.

Ms Collins will join around 20 Veteran’s Affairs Ministers and senior administrators, and a group of New Zealand veterans of the Korean War, to mark the anniversary of the recapture of Seoul from the North Korean Army on 26 September 1950.

The Minister will also present a set of medals awarded to New Zealand military personnel who have served in Korea since 1950. The medals will be presented to the War Memorial of Korea and will be placed on display in the New Zealand section of the Memorial Hall.

The Republic of Korea this year marks the 60th anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

New Zealand was one of the first countries to respond to a United Nations request to assist South Korea after the invasion by North Korea in 1950. The Government initially provided two frigates, followed by a volunteer force of 1,000 men known as Kayforce.

Over the course of the war more than 4,700 New Zealanders served with Kayforce. Another 1,350 New Zealanders were deployed to Korea with the Royal New Zealand Navy.
Ms Collins will also lay a wreath during her visit to the War Memorial and at the Korean National Cemetery.

She will be accompanied on her visit to Korea by New Zealand veterans of the Korean War, Doug Callander (Wellington), Peter Duncan (Manakau), Francis Gibbison (Nelson), Clarence “Clarry” Maskill (Nelson), James “Jim” Neilsen (Wanganui) and Walter Wyatt (North Shore City).

Ms Collins and the veterans will attend a banquet hosted by the Republic of Korea Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, Mr Kim Yang.

Ms Collins, who is also Minister of Police and Corrections, will meet with the Republic of Korea Justice Minister, Mr Lee Kwi-nam. Minister Lee’s responsibilities include Corrections and the Prosecutor’s Office.

While in Korea Ms Collins will also visit the Korean National Police Cyber Terror Response Unit.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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