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North Shore Police are investigating an incident in which an elderly female pedestrian was injured in a hit and run in the suburb of Milford this morning.

Police say that about 9.15am Tuesday 25 May 2010 a Mitsubishi vehicle was sighted travelling on Shakespeare Road. The identified driver of the vehicle was being actively sought by police.

The police patrol unit turned to intercept the vehicle but the driver failed to stop for the flashing red and blue lights and continued on.

The offending vehicle travelled further east on Shakespeare Road and approached the intersection of Kitchener Road where traffic lights are active. It then turned left into Kitchener Road through a free left turn. [The police unit lost sight of the vehicle at this time.]

Police say an elderly female has been on the pedestrian crossing that leads from the kerb to a traffic island. The Mitsubishi has travelled close to the victim and she has reacted by touching the vehicle.

The woman has not been struck by the offending vehicle but her quick action has resulted in her falling onto the ground. Police immediately abandoned the pursuit to stop and assist the woman.

The pursuit went a short distance of about three hundred and fifty metres.

The eighty year old victim was transported by ambulance to North Shore Hospital with moderate injuries. Police say they know the identity of the driver of the offending vehicle and are appealing to him to give himself up.

The IPCA has been advised of the incident - SCU is investigating.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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