New website launched for young employees

New website launched for young employees

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Children and young people will have direct access to simple guidance about their rights and responsibilities when they enter the workforce with the launch today of the new website My First Job, says Minister of Labour Kate Wilkinson.

“My First Job provides information on common issues young people experience in the workplace – including pay, hours of work, holidays and leave,” says Ms Wilkinson.

“It also has advice on what to do when things go wrong, including where to seek assistance and how parents can support their child if they have employment problems.”

Ms Wilkinson says the website was developed so that young people could find the information they need through a medium they are familiar with and in a form they can easily understand.

It also recognises that young people need good information about what to expect when taking a job and where they can turn to for advice.

“My First Job will be updated regularly so it remains current. Guidance material that is relevant to specific industries or occupations will be added, along with new research about children and young people at work.”

My First Job can be found at

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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