Drive safe this long weekend

Drive safe this long weekend

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Transport Minister Steven Joyce is urging drivers to take care and drive to the conditions over the long weekend.

He says while generally our road toll is improving, our holiday weekend road tolls have been very poor in recent times.

“This year, we had the worst Easter road toll in 18 years. We all need to learn from this result. Drivers need to use commonsense and be mindful of risks on the road particularly when conditions are bad,” says Mr Joyce.

The official Queen’s Birthday holiday period runs from 4pm Friday 4 June and ends at 6am Tuesday 8 June.

Last year over the Queen’s Birthday holiday period 10 people died on our roads and 159 were injured.

“The government has been progressing the Safer Journeys road safety strategy to 2020 and has recently agreed to measures for raising the driving age and encouraging more practice by novice drivers to help improve safety.

"However, the responsibility for preventing road deaths and injuries belongs to all of us,” says Mr Joyce.

“Excessive speed, driving when tired or distracted, and taking other risks not only jeopardises your safety, they put other road users in danger as well. Please take care, give driving your full attention and ensure this is a safe and happy break.”

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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