Rugby World Cup TV deal announced

Rugby World Cup TV deal announced

0 개 1,736 NZ 코리아포스트
Rugby World Cup Limited today announced the New Zealand free-to-air television broadcast rights had been awarded to a consortium formed between Maori TV, TVNZ and TV3.

Under the deal, New Zealanders will be able to watch live free-to-air broadcasts of the key matches, including the opening match, the two quarter-finals featuring the qualifiers from New Zealand's pool, both semi-finals and the final.

"The deal means that New Zealanders will be able to see key Rugby World Cup matches live, free and nationwide, including the All Blacks' big matches, the semis and final," Acting Rugby World Cup Minister Gerry Brownlee says.

"The involvement of so many broadcasters means the games are available to the maximum viewing audience," he says.

"The Government is committing $3.2 million to the free-to-air television deal to ensure all New Zealanders can enjoy what will be the biggest sporting event ever held in New Zealand," Mr Brownlee says.

"Many New Zealanders will choose to watch games on the SKY Network and others will be at live sites or at the games. The excitement is building for what will be an amazing event."

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