New $9.7 million Auckland school set to open in 2012

New $9.7 million Auckland school set to open in 2012

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Plans for a new $9.7 million school at Papakura in Auckland are making great progress following the appointment of an establishment Board of Trustees, says Education Minister Anne Tolley.

The opening date for the new Hingaia Primary School was brought forward as part of the Government’s economic stimulus package. Construction is scheduled to get underway in January 2011, with the school set to open at the start of the school year in 2012.

“This is a win-win for the local community,” says Mrs Tolley.

“It will help meet the schooling needs of a growing community while supporting the local construction industry.

“The new Hingaia Primary School, which will have capacity for a roll of 540 children, will be a valuable community asset and provide a focal point for families living in the new subdivision.

“The appointment of the school’s first Board of Trustees, chosen because of their experience and skills, is an important milestone.

“The trustees will appoint a founding principal, and will determine school policy while ensuring it reflects the needs and aspirations of the local community. The establishment board will also play a significant role in designing the new school.”

The board members are:

Felicity Auva’a - Papakura district councillor and teacher
Karen Shields - Counties Manukau Kindergarten Assocation
Larry Forbes - education consultant
Anthony Klinac - company director
Juliet Reynolds - property developer

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