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A Police operation targeting alcohol impaired drivers on the Auckland Motorways network has resulted in 44 individuals being detected driving with Excess Breath Alcohol. [EBA]

Twelve of these drivers have elected to have blood samples taken which will determine whether or not they too face Court proceedings.

Specialist units from both the Traffic Alcohol Group [TAG] and Motorways Patrol Group carried out compulsory breath testing checkpoints throughout the Motorways network at the weekend.

Checkpoints at five specific locations were established on the Southern Motorway on Friday night 16 April 2010. A similar number of checkpoints were put in place on the North Western Motorway on Saturday night 17 April 2010.

The operation concluded at 0100 hours on Sunday 18 April.

The total number of vehicles stopped was almost 7800.

Eleven drivers had their licences suspended due to high alcohol levels [above 650mg/l]. Two of these recorded levels exceeding 1000 mg/l. There were four individuals arrested for offences of Driving whilst disqualified and Warrant to Arrest.

Of concern to Police were two incidents where drink drivers were choosing to place children at risk.

A female driver was stopped on Friday night at 2130 hours at a Southern Motorway off-ramp. This driver had a four month old baby, another aged seven months old, and a five year old child in the vehicle. She returned an alcohol level of 584 mg/l.

On Saturday night a male driver stopped on the North Western Motorway on-ramp had both a ten year old boy and an eleven year old boy in the vehicle. He returned an EBA of 639 mg/l.

Inspector Dave Walker, Auckland Motorways Commander, says in recent weeks we have seen the tragic results of children in vehicles either not restrained or inadequately restrained. We have seen a lack of due care by some adults in the vehicles to ensure the safety of those children.

“The two drivers caught during this operation are showing a blatant disregard to their children by driving over the legal breath alcohol limit, while the children are in the vehicle with them.”

“A number of operations targeting drink driving are planned on the Auckland Motorway and in other areas in the coming months. The heat is on drink drivers. We must all play our part to stop an alcohol culture which is killing and maiming our loved ones. Make the right choice,” Inspector Walker said.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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