Public service customers more satisfied

Public service customers more satisfied

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New Zealanders are generally happier with the standard of service they're getting from front line public services.

“Results from the national Kiwis Count 2009 survey show a small overall improvement in New Zealanders’ satisfaction levels,” says Minister of State Services, Hon Tony Ryall.

Kiwis Count 2009 results show two thirds (64%) of New Zealanders surveyed now believe their last experience with a public service was 'an example of good value for tax dollars spent’ in comparison to just over half (55%) in 2007.

Overall trust in public services, and trust in the last service experience, has also improved.

“This is a good result for the New Zealand State Services and puts us on a par with the best in the world,” says Mr Ryall.

Kiwis Count is a national, all-of-government survey organised by the State Services Commission, which asks New Zealanders about their experiences and perceptions of public services.

It measures how satisfied New Zealanders are with public services, how much they trust public services, and how public services compare with the private sector.

“The State Services need to act on these results and make the improvements that will continue to have the greatest impact on frontline service delivery for New Zealanders” says Mr Ryall.

"The Government wants greater transparency in government services and Kiwis Count is one of a number of measures of performance that the Government will be releasing in due course."

The State Services Commission has adopted international best practice research aimed at focusing public servants’ attention on what really matters to New Zealanders using public services.

6500 participants were randomly selected from the New Zealand electoral roll for the 2009 survey, with a final response rate of 56%.

The Kiwis Count 2009 reports and fact sheets are available at

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