Trade Minister opens NZTE office in Shenzhen, China

Trade Minister opens NZTE office in Shenzhen, China

0 개 1,595 NZ코리아포스트
Trade Minister Tim Groser today opened the fourth New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) office in China.

Located in Shenzhen, the new NZTE office aims to provide greater access for New Zealand businesses in Southern China.

“The opening of the new office in Shenzhen further demonstrates New Zealand’s commitment to a closer and more collaborative relationship with China, and to helping more New Zealand companies to capitalise on business opportunities in this market,” said Mr Groser.

As the home of top local telecommunications companies, Shenzhen has also established itself as a leading technological centre in China.

“There is significant business potential in this fast-growing city and we have a strong ambition to expand New Zealand’s already strong trade profile into areas of increasing development such as hi-tech innovation.

“Given our distance from major export markets, New Zealand has a tradition for ingenuity in ICT. Over the past few years a number of New Zealand ICT companies have established in Shenzhen, and NZTE is committed to helping further develop this city into a mini hub for innovation and technology,” said Mr Groser.

The Governments of New Zealand and China signed an ICT cooperation arrangement in 2009 to promote ICT development. As China continues its strong economic growth momentum, this agreement is expected to accelerate the transfer of technology and deliver mutual benefits to the two countries.

The NZTE office in Shenzhen is located at Room 535, 5th floor, Podium Building Cafu Square, 5 Guihua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen.


ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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