Minister announces student Gallipoli winners

Minister announces student Gallipoli winners

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Veterans’ Affairs Minister Judith Collins today announced the 21 students who will be joining the official New Zealand contingent at Gallipoli for this year’s ANZAC commemorations.

The year 13 students were the winners of a national competition organised by Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand to commemorate the 95th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings.

Students were invited to submit an essay, diary or letters, Web feature, piece of music, art or poetry that illustrated the impact of World War One on New Zealand society using Gallipoli as a case study.

The judging panel included the Chief Historian and other staff from the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, the Chief Executive of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association, staff of the New Zealand Film Archive, the New Zealand Army Artist and a local poet.

“All entries were of a very high standard, making the judging very difficult. I was impressed by not only the level of interest from students, but their deep knowledge of this defining event in our history,” Ms Collins said.

“A great deal of work, thought and creativity went into the entries, and I would like to thank all those students who entered, and congratulate the winners.”

The winners are:

Katherine Bruce (Waimea College, Nelson)
Conor Donohue (Tawa College, Wellington)
Daniel Garry (Dunstan High School, Alexandra)
Keepa Hipango (Wanganui Collegiate School, Wanganui)
Samuel Hogg (St Paul's Collegiate School, Hamilton)
Holly Hunter (ACG Strathallan College, Auckland)
Bronwyn James (Westlake Girls High School, Auckland)
Cruze Kappa (Hagley Community College, Christchurch)
Ryan Loeffen-Gallagher (Christ’s College, Christchurch)
Samantha Marshall (Kaitaia College, Kaitaia)
Christian McSweeney-Novak (Francis Douglas Memorial College, New Plymouth)
Kathryn Mitchener (Mercury Bay Area School, Whitianga)
Thandiwe Parker (Marlborough Girls College, Blenheim)
Laura Pedofsky (St Hilda's Collegiate School, Dunedin)
Sherry Pomare (Te Kura Taumata o Panguru, Hokianga)
Jessica Pullar (Villa Maria College, Christchurch)
Zoe Russell (Morrinsville College, Morrinsville)
Alana Stretton (ACG Strathallan College, Auckland)
Denyce Aliitasi Su'a (Marist College, Auckland)
Samuel Vincent (Sancta Maria College, Auckland)
Sarah Wild (James Hargest College, Invercargill)

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