Building a simple house made easier

Building a simple house made easier

0 개 2,215 NZ 코리아포스트
Aspiring home owners should now find it quicker and cheaper to build a simple home thanks to a new guide for streamlined consenting launched by Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson today.

“For the first time all the information needed to design a simple house, including compliance requirements and building standards, has been brought together in one place” Mr Williamson said.

“The Simple House Acceptable Solution document is a guide to building innovative, affordable and easily consentable homes. Without compromising safety or quality it provides a framework for architects, designers and builders to develop affordable housing .

The Minister said the guide was the latest initiative under the Government’s Better Building Blueprint package. The package has included this year’s launch of the National Multi-Use Approvals Service, the streamlining of the Licensed Building Practitioners’ scheme, and the release of a consultation document on the review of the Building Act.

To illustrate how the guide will work, the Department of Building and Housing, in conjunction with Housing New Zealand, will build a simple house on a site in Otara, Manukau City.

The design by Stephen Smith from S3 Architects Ltd in Auckland won last year’s Starter Home Design competition. The competition demonstrated innovative and affordable home design achieved with limited resources.

Leading New Zealand architect Gordon Moller, said the winning home was a carefully planned design that would make an excellent starter home. With additions it can grow to meet the changing needs of its owners.

The document is available at

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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