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North Shore Police are seeking the urgent assistance of the public to help identify a man who collapsed on Upper Harbour Drive at Greenhithe this afternoon.

Police say the man is seriously ill in Auckland Hospital.

He has no identification with him. He was riding an older, red framed racing style bike with a home made mirror attached to the handle bar.

It would appear that he has been riding the cycle prior to his collapse.

The man was discovered at about 12.30pm today Thursday 18 March 2010.

Police do not consider the incident to be suspicious but are appealing for urgent assistance from the public so that the man can be identified and his next of kin contacted and informed about his current status in hospital.

Police have released a description of the unidentified man.

Male - Caucasian - aged about 60 years
Approximately 6 feet tall - 180 cm
Stocky build with greying hair and brown / green eyes.
There is an old scar on his right calf area.

Clothing - wearing a black tee shirt, black stretch thigh length cycling shorts,
and a fluorescent yellow high-viz vest. Blue cycle helmet and dark blue and silver
cycling shoes. - Wore spectacles and a black leather strapped analogue wrist watch.

Anyone with information that will assist to identify this man is urged to contact the
Shift Commander at the North Shore Policing Centre on 09 477 5000 immediately.


ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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