Huo says three years is not good enough

Huo says three years is not good enough

0 개 1,646 NZ코리아포스트
The Government’s handling of Auckland Super City issues are shambolic and reek of tokenism says Labour Associate Ethnic Affairs Spokesperson Raymond Huo.

“Local Government Minister Rodney Hide has just confirmed what has been suspected in the ethnic community that it has no real intention to commit to a stable ethnic presence as part of Auckland’s new council,” said Raymond Huo.

“Mr Hide has just told me that he will stick by the provision in the Super City Bill allowing for the much-hyped Ethnic Advisory Panel to expire at the end of the Auckland Councils first term.

“Practically speaking, this means that any unsympathetic council can abolish the Ethnic Advisory Panel if they feel it’s warranted, which is hard pill to swallow for the members of the ethnic community who fought so hard to have the Panel established in the first place.”

“This decision by Mr Hide and his cohorts in Government confirms my suspicion that the Ethnic Advisory Panel was never meant to be a real commitment to the ethnic community but just a shallow political point-scoring exercise.

“With Auckland being the first port of call for most migrants who enter New Zealand and Asian’s alone making up 13 per cent of Auckland’s population, it seems a rather curious decision to leave the Ethnic Panel in an uncertain position.

“Ethnic communities play an important part in New Zealand’s economy and we only have to look at the positive effect that the Free Trade Agreement with China has had on our economy to realise how important it is to sustain strong relationships with our ethnic communities.

“I urge concerned voters to choose candidates who are sympathetic to the Ethnic community and understand the positive economic and social impact migrant communities can have on New Zealand as a whole.

“I ask the Minister of Ethnic Affairs Pansy Wong to stand up for the ethnic communities. Should Ms Wong refuse to be a part of this process of tokenism, she should stand-up for the ethnic communities she represents and fight for a guaranteed ethnic voice on Super City.

“This will at least help to remedy her error of voting against my Private Members Bill last year which sought to establish an Asian Advisory Board as part of the Super City,” said Raymond Huo.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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