Licensing streamlined for qualified builders and trades people

Licensing streamlined for qualified builders and trades people

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Becoming a licensed builder will be much easier for New Zealand’s more than 5000 qualified builders and trades people following a streamlining of the application process announced by Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson today.

“From Monday, qualified builders and trades people with a good track record will find it faster, easier and cheaper to get themselves licensed. We are recognising the hard yards that these people have already put in to get qualified. They shouldn’t then have to wade through layers of red tape to get licensed. So without compromising quality or safety, we’ve streamlined the process for them,” Mr Williamson said.

Representatives of the Certified Builders Association of New Zealand (CBANZ) and the Registered Master Builders Federation (RMBF) joined Mr Williamson at the launch.

“Builder licensing is a key part of the Government’s commitment to building quality. We expect nearly 20,000 building practitioners to be licensed by 2012. I’m pleased that our two largest building industry organisations are fully behind the scheme and simplified application process. It will now be much easier for their members to become licensed,” Mr Williamson said.

“The announcement is part of the Government’s Better Building Blueprint package of initiatives that will make it easier and cheaper for New Zealanders to build good quality homes and buildings.

“The Better Building Blueprint will help New Zealanders build quality homes and buildings. Getting builders licensed is an important part of that package,” Mr Williamson said.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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