Murder inquiry appeals to Asian communities

Murder inquiry appeals to Asian communities

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Police investigating the January 31 murder of taxi driver Hiren Mohini are appealing to Asian communities for information about a man whose image is on CCTV footage [see pic], a distinctive bag with the "Dicon Aibi" logo on it [see pic] and, for the first time today, a distinctive knitted dark cap with a large white logo outlined with three circles [see pic].
Detective Senior Sergeant Hywel Jones says the cap has been undergoing forensic examination because it was found in Mt Eden with the blood-stained tubular-shaped blue bag on private property, a day after the murder.

"The bag and the cap are of great interest to our investigation and we want to know who owned, used or wore them," Mr Jones said.

"We're appealing more strongly to the Asian communities in and around the Auckland CBD this week as, unfortunately, we've become aware that a lot of those we canvassed overnight on Saturday February the 6th and Sunday the 7th, weren't aware of Hiren Mohini's murder and our subsequent homicide investigation," Mr Jones said.

"Given that nearly 30 percent of the central Auckland's population is Asian, it's vital that they know how important it is for us to get any information from them that they might have about Mr Mohini's killer, who is still on the loose."

Hiren Mohini was killed after a frenzied knife attack in his taxi as he travelled from Federal St in the city at about 1.12am on Sunday January 31, to View Rd in Mt Eden where he was found by residents after his car crashed at about 1.23am.

Anyone who thinks they know who the man in the photo is, who knows who owned or used the royal blue Dicon Aibi bag or the distinctive knitted cap, should call Operation Edgewater on 0800 444 014.

Anonymous callers can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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