New service academy for Auckland

New service academy for Auckland

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A new service academy will open at Auckland’s Waitakere College next month, Education Minister Anne Tolley and Waitakere MP Paula Bennett announced today.

“This is in addition to the seven new service academies I announced in December and brings the total number of school-based service academies to sixteen nationwide,” said Mrs Tolley.

“It means even more young people will get the chance to take part in a challenging and motivating programme and learn new skills.”

Service academies are military-style programmes for year 12 and 13 students, and are part of the Government's Youth Opportunities package announced by the Prime Minister last August. They are provided at secondary schools with the help of the New Zealand Defence Force.

Students take part in courses such as leadership and outdoor education, and work towards reaching NCEA Level 1 or above in Mathematics and English.

Ms Bennett said, “When you talk to young people who’ve been on these courses, they’re buzzing. They’ve been challenged and they come out better skilled and better equipped to take the next step.”

Mrs Tolley said, “Service Academies are aimed at young people who may otherwise leave school and find it difficult to get a job or move on to tertiary education.

"After completing the year-long programme, the aim is for these students to return to a mainstream school, go on to tertiary education or find a sustainable job.”

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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