McCully to visit Viet Nam and London

McCully to visit Viet Nam and London

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Foreign Minister Murray McCully will attend the high-level conference on Afghanistan in London next week co-chaired by British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Afghan Foreign Minister Rangin Spanta.

Mr McCully will join foreign ministers from nations contributing to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, as well as major donors and representatives of neighbouring countries. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and Afghanistan’s President Karzai will open the event.

“The conference aims to mobilise the international community behind the governance, economic development and security objectives of the Afghan government,” Mr McCully said.

“New Zealand welcomes the opportunity for the international community in partnership with the Afghan government to set a clear pathway towards greater stability and better living conditions for all Afghanistan’s people.”

On the way to London, Mr McCully will visit Hanoi, Viet Nam.

“2010 is an important year for New Zealand and Viet Nam. It marks the 35th anniversary of our two countries’ diplomatic bilateral relationship. Viet Nam will also chair ASEAN and the East Asia Summit this year, adding to its importance in the region,” Mr McCully said.

In Hanoi Mr McCully will meet with the Vietnamese Vice-President, Foreign Minister, the Minister of Planning and Investment and the Vice-President of the National Assembly as well as the General Secretary of the Communist Party.


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