PM's Sports Scholarships for 2010 announced

PM's Sports Scholarships for 2010 announced

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More than 400 athletes, coaches, officials, and support team members will receive Prime Minister’s Sport Scholarships in 2010, Sport and Recreation Minister Murray McCully announced today.

The Prime Minister’s Sport Scholarship programme is administered by Sport and Recreation New Zealand (SPARC), which receives applications through national sport organisations and the New Zealand Academy of Sport.

The scholarships help sports people pursue tertiary study or professional development while continuing to strive for sporting success.

A total of $4.25 million is allocated in each year. Athletes receive up to $10,000 for tertiary fees and a living allowance of $2000 per six months, while others can get up to $50,000 each year for up to three years.

Mr McCully said the programme recognised the commitment recipients were making.

“The scholarships ease the financial burden for talented athletes wanting to both train and study. They also help coaches, officials, and support team members develop professionally while contributing to New Zealand sport at the elite level.”

This year’s recipients come from a wide range of sports, and include Olympic and world champion shot putter Valerie Vili; hockey international Simon Child; Silver Ferns netballer Laura Langman; Paralympic swimmer Cameron Leslie, and cyclist Tom Scully.

Other recipients include BikeNZ’s Mark Elliot, who receives a support team member scholarship, rugby coach Todd Blackadder, and Olympic wrestling official Malcolm McBeth.

So far this year, 353 athletes, 19 coaches, 29 support team members and 13 officials have been awarded scholarships. Another 45 applicants have been shortlisted.

Award ceremonies for the recipients will be held throughout the year in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.


ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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