$1 million youth fund opens for local council applications

$1 million youth fund opens for local council applications

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A $1 million fund for community-based youth projects, will boost training and employment opportunities for young people, Youth Affairs Minister Paula Bennett announced today.

"The Youth Development Partnership Fund provides a great opportunity for Councils to work with young people to create local education, training, and employment projects,” says Ms Bennett.

“I strongly encourage local groups and councils to get involved and work together with the Government to provide opportunities for our young people. This is your chance to step up.”
Local Councils can now apply to the fund, which continues to make a difference to young people across New Zealand.

The Hastings District Youth on Track programme provides youth with concrete opportunities to develop employment skills and participation in the community.

Through the Government fund, Rotorua District Council in partnership with Te Waiariki Purea Trust, is able to provide mentoring and training workshops for local youth to help them transition into education, training and employment.

“We’re looking for projects that focus on developing youth community leadership, boosting skills and experience while challenging and celebrating young people,” says Ms Paula Bennett.

Funded projects must demonstrate a youth development approach and support young people to participate in project development, planning, delivery, and governance.

The Youth Development Partnership Fund provides seed funding to support councils to engage with young people, respond to local need, and establish best-practice, locally-relevant initiatives and opportunities to transition into employment, training or education.

Round 6 of the Fund will be open for applications until 19 March 2010.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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