Students get chance to join Gallipoli contingent

Students get chance to join Gallipoli contingent

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Year 13 school students will have the opportunity to join the official New Zealand contingent at Gallipoli for this year’s ANZAC commemorations, Veterans’ Affairs Minister Judith Collins announced today.

To mark the 95th anniversary of the Gallipoli Landings, a competition will be held to find 21 students to accompany Prime Minister John Key and the official party to the commemoration at ANZAC Cove in Turkey on 25 April 2010.

“ANZAC Day is when we recognise the sacrifice of the men and women of New Zealand and Australia who served in World War One and honour all returned servicemen and women,” Ms Collins said.

“As each generation has carried the spirit of the ANZACs to the next, so it will be our young people who are entrusted to carry it to future generations. This is a rare opportunity for a group of young people to visit the site of an event that did so much to define the ANZAC character.”

To enter, students must illustrate the impact of World War One on New Zealand society by using Gallipoli as a case study. They can do this by short film, web feature, artistic representation, as an essay, diary or letters, or through music or poetry. Entries must be submitted by 12 March 2010.

The winners will travel to Turkey on the Royal New Zealand Air Force jet. Chaperones will be provided by the New Zealand Defence Force. A medical certificate will be required.

Students will attend international services the day before ANZAC Day, and ceremonies on ANZAC Day as part of the contingent.

Further information and entry forms are available on the Veterans’ Affairs website or by calling 0800 483 8372.

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