Government support for International Paralympics

Government support for International Paralympics

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Economic Development Minister Gerry Brownlee is pleased that $400,000 will be contributed towards the 2011 International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Athletics World Championships being held in Christchurch 21-30 January 2011 from the Major Events Development Fund (MEDF).

Prime Minister John Key made the announcement at QEII Stadium in Christchurch, today. QEII will be the major venue for the Championships.

Mr Brownlee says with one year to go until the 2011 IPC Athletics World Championships, funding from the Major Events Development Fund will help ensure the success of this elite international event.

“These World Championships are held every four years and New Zealand was awarded the event after a competitive bidding process. It is a great honour for us to host the championships as it is the first time it has been held outside Europe.”

The 2011 IPC Athletics World Championships is the world’s second largest international sports event for athletes with a disability and is expected to attract around 1300 athletes and almost 900 officials from 75 countries.

Mr Brownlee says the event will not only provide role models for disabled individuals but will also raise the profile of paralympic sport in New Zealand.

“It is the first event in what will be a significant year for New Zealand sport."


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