Tourism regions to share $5 million for marketing

Tourism regions to share $5 million for marketing

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Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, John Key, has announced that eight groups will share $5 million to market their regions.

This fund will be matched with Regional Tourism Organisations (RTO) and private sector funding to create an unprecedented opportunity to create a $10 million marketing fund, which will be particularly focused on Australia.

The joint venture funding of $10 million will see RTOs and Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) work together in order to maximise marketing impact.

“New Zealand is a collection of beautiful but diverse regions, each with its own unique attractions. This is an opportunity for those regions to use their distinctive selling points to attract Australian visitors while ensuring it is coordinated with TNZ’s 100% Pure New Zealand campaign.

“It is also a valuable opportunity to market experiences, seasons and occasions that are unique to a region,” Mr Key says.

The funding will go towards raising the profile of the following regions;

•Auckland ($1,000,000)
•Hamilton/Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Dunedin ($250,000)
•Destination Rotorua Tourism Marketing ($600,000)
•Central Park (Rotorua, Taupo, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Ruapehu, Coromandel) ($442,000)
•Wellington, Wairarapa, Taranaki and Marlborough ($1,000,000)
•Canterbury ($775,000)
•Queenstown and Lake Wanaka ($463,000)
•Ski Tourism ($370,000)
•RTO Campaign Tracking research($100,000)

Summary of RTO Proposals<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



Tourism <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Auckland - $1,000,000

The campaign period is February through to June 2010.


Funding has been secured from Air New Zealand, Auckland International Airport, and Auckland tourism operators. A number of further partnerships have been made with Australia travel trade and airlines.

Key Contact

Graeme Osborne - Chief Executive Officer, Tourism Auckland

09 979 7036


Hamilton/Waikato - $250,000

Activity is planned to commence in February and run through until June 2010


Regional partners include Tourism Bay of Plenty, Destination Waikato, Ruapehu Alpine Lifts, Hamilton International Airport, Pacific Blue, and Tourism Dunedin

Key Contact

Kiri Goulter – Regional Tourism Manager, Hamilton International Airport

07 848 9046 


Destination Rotorua Tourism Marketing - $600,000

Campaign elements will run throughout the first half of 2010


Rotorua District Council

Local industry contribution

Key Contact

Don Gunn - General Manager, Destination Rotorua

07 349 7282


Central Park - $442,000

Activity is planned to commence in late January with seasonal activity through until June.


Funding partners include Destination Rotorua, Taupo, Bay of Plenty, Hawke’s Bay, Visit Ruapehu, Tourism Coromandel, Ruapehu Alpine lifts and Rotorua Airport.

Key Contact

Kerryn Ralston – Director, Ralston Marketing

09 235 2641


Positively Wellington Tourism - $1,000,000

The initial campaign period for this activity will be February –June 2010.


Regional partners include, Hutt City Council, Destination Wairarapa, Destination Marlborough, Venture Taranaki. Commercial partners include Air New Zealand, Qantas Airways, Pacific Blue, local hotels

Key Contact

David Perks - Chief Executive Officer, Positively Wellington Tourism  

04 916 1205


Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism - $775,000

The Christchurch ski/winter activity will commence from February in alignment with TNZ’s media schedule.  The wider Canterbury message is planned to run from mid January through to May.

Key Contact

Christine Prince - Chief Executive, Christchurch Canterbury Tourism  

03 353 1176


Queenstown Group - $463,000

Autumn campaign in market during Feb/Mar 2010

Winter campaign in market Apr-Jun 2010


Destination Queenstown

Lake Wanaka Tourism

Tourism Fiordland

Air New Zealand

Key Contact

Graham Budd - General Manager, Marketing Destination Queenstown          

03 441 0703


Ski Tourism Marketing Network - $370,000

The campaign will be launched alongside TNZ funded ski activity in February, and run predominantly across print and online until June


Funding partners of the Ski TMN are NZ Ski Ltd, Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism, Christchurch International Airport, Destination Queenstown, Lake Wanaka Tourism, Air New Zealand, Mt Hutt Marketing Group, Cardona Alpine Resort, Mackenzie Winter Marketing and Treble Cone Ski Area.

Key Contact

Trish May – Ski Tourism Marketing Network

03 358 1355

RTO Campaign Tracking research - $100,000

$100,000 has been allocated to a research programme to monitor the performance of campaigns and to inform future campaign development and regional marketing activity. The participating RTOs agreed that setting aside a modest proportion of the funds to monitor impacts was essential.


Tourism Auckland:

Hamilton & Waikato Region:

Destination Rotorua:                    

Central Park New Zealand:

Positively Wellington Tourism: Christchurch/Canterbury Marketing: Queenstown Group:

Ski Marketing Group:













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