Better support for family caregivers recommended

Better support for family caregivers recommended

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Health Minister Tony Ryall says the Government is considering ways to better support family members who care for their severely disabled adult children.

Today the Health Minister has announced the release of a report from the National Health Committee - "How Should We Care for the Carers, Now and into the Future? Manaaki tangata" – which the Minister received just before Christmas.

"While the NHC report does not recommend payment for family carers, it recommends a range of actions to provide better support for them which the Government will consider" Mr Ryall says.

"Late last year the Government also began looking at options to expand the individualised funding scheme and to provide better support for family carers."

The Health Minister says the Solicitor General has advised him of his decision to today appeal a January 8 decision by the Human Rights Review Tribunal regarding family members who care for their severely disabled adult children.

"The Solicitor General strongly advises me that there are very significant legal issues about the decision that need to be examined."

Mr Ryall says all New Zealanders have great admiration for the families who face the challenges of caring for a disabled relative.

"Supporting family carers is an important issue for New Zealanders. However it's a complex matter balancing the interests of an individual's autonomy, family responsibility and government contribution."

Click on the link below for the National Health Committee report "How Should We Care for the Carers, Now and into the Future? Manaaki tangata"

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