Quiz on Korea & K-Pop NZ Festival 5월부터 진행.

Quiz on Korea & K-Pop NZ Festival 5월부터 진행.

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한국관련퀴즈경연대회 Quiz on Korea와 K-Pop경연대회인 K-Pop NZ Festival이 5월부터 본격적으로 진행된다. 

작년에 뉴질랜드의 마이클 스미스씨가 전세계에서 온 쟁쟁한 경쟁자들을 모두 물리치고 Quiz on Korea 최종우승자가 되었고, 쌍둥이 듀오 Twinz가 K-Pop 경연대회 최종결선에 진출하여 World Talent상을 수상하였다. 

주뉴질랜드 대사관에서는 우리 뉴질랜드에서 우승자가 나올 수 있도록 제2의 마이클 스미스씨를 발굴해 주길 바라며 많은 키위들이 이번 행사에 참가할 수 있도록 주변에 널리 홍보해 주시면 감사하겠다고 전해왔다.

자셍한 내용은 아래와 같다.
■ Quiz on Korea 
  < Eligibility requirements >
    o Korean Speaking ability preferred  
    o People interested in Korea    
    o Available to visit Korea for the Final Round during August in Korea
    o Over 18 years old
    o Ethnic Koreans not eligible
      - Immediate family members must not be Korean
  < When & Where > 
   o Preliminary Rounds
     - Auckland , 30 May (Fri.) 14:00~ ,University of Auckland
     - Wellington , 31 May (Sat.) 18:00~ ,Wellington Korean Community Center 
     - Christchurch, 7 June (Sat) 17:00~ ,University of Canterbury, James Hight 
    o NZ Final Round
     - 5 July (Sat.) 10:00~ , Shed 6 Queens Wharf , Wellington  
 < How to judge and select NZ Finalists >
1. 3 contestants with highest points in each preliminary round(total 9 contestants) will go to NZ Final Round (5 July) in Wellington.
2. 1 Contestant with highest points from the NZ Final Round will go to World Final Round (August) in Korea 
Points will be awarded as follows ;  
o Preliminary Round
- 1st Stage : Self introduction in Korean and Showing talent  (1~10 points )
- 2nd Stage: Quiz (total 3 levels) with questions from Question bank in Embassy English webpage (http://nzl-wellington.mofa.go.kr/english) - Embassy News- Hot news & Notice.     
      ․ easy : 10 questions (1 point each)
      ․ medium : 7 questions ( 2 points each)
      ․ hard : 5 questions ( 3 points each )
- 3nd Stage : 1 question randomly drawn ( 5 points )
    o NZ Final Round
    - 1st Stage : Introducing myself in korean and Showing talent  (1~10 points )
    - 2nd Stage : Quiz by difficulty level (total 3 levels) from Question bank
      ․ easy : 10 questions (1 point each)
      ․ medium : 7 questions ( 2 points each)
      ․ hard : 5 questions ( 3 points each )
  < Prizes>
o All contestants in preliminary round except 9 NZ Finalists : gift card
      * Round trip ticket for Finalists from Christchurch and Auckland will be covered by Embassy.  
o NZ Finalists 4th place: gift card
o NZ Finalist 3rd place : DVD Player 
o NZ Finalist 2nd place : Smart phone or Tablet PC 
o NZ Finalist 1st place :  Round trip ticket + All accommodation during Final round in Korea
o Champion in World Final round : Car 
  < For application and inquiries >
o Please give us your Name, Gender , Date of Birth, Phone No.(Landline and Mobile), E-mail address, Preferred city among 3 preliminary cities, by 28 May (Thur.), by E-mail(koreanembassynz@gmail.com) or Phonecall (04 473 9073 ext.113 or 103)
 ■ K-pop World Festival  
  < Eligibility requirements >
    o Ethnic koreans not eligible 
    o Korean Speaking ability preferred  
    o Available to visit Korea for the Final Round during October in Korea
  < When & Where > 
    o Preliminary Round : Performance video (Dance or Vocal) contest  
    o NZ Final Round
    - 5 July (Sat.) 14:00 ~ , Shed 6 Queens Wharf , Wellington
  < How to judge and select NZ Finalists >

o 6~9 contestants(Dance & Vocal) with the most online votes plus the highest points by judges in NZ video contest will go to NZ Final Round (5 July) in Wellington.
o Videos of 2 Contestant(dance 1, vocal 1) with the highest points from the NZ Final Round will be uploaded to K-Pop world festival Homepage FOR world video contest.      
- Points will be awarded by judges at site.
* World Finalists (15 nations 15 teams from all over the world) to go to Korea will be announced in Sep.
  < Prizes>

* Round trip ticket for Finalists from Christchurch and Auckland will be covered by the Embassy.  
* World Finalist:  Round trip ticket + All accommodation during Final round in Korea
o NZ Finalist 1st place : Smart phone or Tablet PC 
o NZ Finalist 2nd place : DVD Player
o NZ Finalist 3rd place : gift card
The rest of the NZ Finalists will also be given a small amount of gift cards.
 < For application and inquiries >

o Please send us your performance video with your Name, Gender , Date of Birth, Phone No.(Landline and Mobile), E-mail address by 13 June (Thur.), by E-mail(koreanembassynz@gmail.com) or Post (address : po box 11-143, Manners street, Wellington). Any inquiries , please contact by E-mail(koreanembassynz@gmail.com) or Phone call (04 473 9073 ext.113 or 103)

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