The Baby Show is back from 22 to 24 August 2014

The Baby Show is back from 22 to 24 August 2014

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The Baby Show is back at Auckland’s ASB Showgrounds from 22 to 24 August 2014 with a huge range of exhibitors showcasing an amazing selection of products and services for pregnancy, maternity, and beyond.


The Baby Show is NZ’s biggest, best, and most popular parenting one-stop-shop where you’ll find just about everything you need to handle being pregnant, having babies, and bringing up young children. The 2014 show will enable you to test out the latest products, find useful services, ask exhibitors questions, get trustworthy advice, and make the most of the exclusive Baby Show prices.


The best way to buy tickets is online at, which means you save money and avoid queues on the day. The website also makes planning your day super-easy, with a fully searchable list of exhibitors and the ability to assemble your own personalised ‘show itinerary’ and interactive floor plan at the touch of a button. You can share your itinerary with friends, family, coffee club mates, people from your antenatal class, and other interested parties, to help you meet up and get the best from the show.


The Baby Show’s incredible range of products and services means you can achieve in a couple of hours what could take you days elsewhere. Baby clothes, swaddles, baby carriers, prams, safe sleep products, maternity wear, breastfeeding products, childcare providers, nannies, skincare, nappies, wipes, toys, cots, potties – the list goes on and on.


Plus, the Baby Show is a magnet for the very latest products and services and welcomes new companies such as The Auckland Zoo, Babycity, World Organic, Magic Fairy House, Kiwi Garden, Anamalz, Babybirdie, Baby Bubs, Swimbaby, The Wooden Toybox, Squoodles, Knitcola, Mydummychain, Ka Pai for kids, Mycarepack, Honey Bees, Chibebe, Grotime, Belly Beyond, Closer to Nature, and more. As well as these new companies, the show is delighted to welcome back firm favourites such as Ecostore, Mumi&Bubi, Nature Sway, Kiwiherb, Paula&Stella, and Dimples.


The show abounds with useful special features, including a daily programme of FREE parenting seminars sponsored by The Warehouse. Brought to you in partnership with The Parenting Place, The Warehouse Seminar Series includes essential advice on a wide range of vital parenting topics from leading experts. These include family coach, writer, and regular Good Morning contributor Jenny Hale, family coach and Parenting magazine writer Andrea Stringer, author, presenter, and Newstalk ZB radio host John Cowan, Kate ‘The Nappy Lady’ Meads, Jason Shon Bennett and more.


New to the show this year is the Huggies & Plunket Parent Room, a welcome oasis where parents can change and feed their babies, or just take a wee breather. Plunket nurses will be on hand in the Parent Room to chat about how to give your precious children the best start in life, including breastfeeding, child safety, car seats, Plunket parent education courses, and more. Plus you can check out the range of nappies, thick and gentle wipes, and more from Huggies.


Right next door to the Huggies & Plunket Parent Room is our newest feature – the Natural Products Zone. As the name suggests it’s where you’ll find a concentrated dose of naturalness to help you and your children lead healthier, more organic, and eco-friendlier lives. We’re talking about Anamalz award-winning wooden toys, gentle healthcare from Artemis and Comvita, Earthwise eco-friendly cleaning products, organic sheets and wraps from Eco Sprout, natural skincare from Gaia, Happy Little Poppets, and Rosehip, organic baby food from Little Angels and Only Organic, and much more.


Buy your tickets online now from for $15 plus booking fee – under 12’s are free.



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