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뉴질랜드에서 경찰이 쏜 총에...

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최근 들어 뉴스에 무장한 범인을 잡기 위해 경찰이 총을 쏘아 사망한 사건이 간혹 언론에 보도되고 있다. 가까이는 오클랜드 중심가 퀸 스트릿의 Mayer 공원에서 한 남성이 경찰이 쏜 총에 사망한 사건부터 가장 근래는 9월 8일 남섬의 Upper Hutt 의 맥도날드 매장에서 무장한 남성이 경찰이 쏜 총에 사망한 사건이 있다.

뉴질랜드에서 경찰이 무장을 하고 대치하는 범인 등을 총으로 쏜 기록이 뉴질랜드 라디오 방송 News&TalkZB 에 지난 9월 8일 'FactBox' 라는 말머리를 달고 올려졌다.

언제, 어디서, 어떤 사건이었는지를 간략하게 적어둔 내용으로 아래와 같다.

*May 3, 2015. Vaughan William John Te Moananui, 33, was shot after he refused to surrender to police, and pulled out a gun in Thames. He was taken to hospital but died shortly afterwards.

*July 7, 2013. Caleb Henry, 20,was shot on Auckland's northern motorway after committing a home invasion in Opotiki. Officers chased him from Cambridge and eventually stopped him with road spikes. He was pointing his gun at officers when a member of the Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) fired and killed him.

* June 8, 2013. Adam Te Rata Charles Morehu, 33, was shot and killed after shots were fired at police at the New Plymouth Golf Club in June 2013. The IPCA later said poor communication and a lack of command and control during this incident contributed to the events that unfolded;

* July 15, 2011. Anthony Ratahi, 46, was shot and killed as he struggled with a police dog following a siege in Opunake, 65km south of New Plymouth. He had been holding ex-partner Marcelle Beer hostage at the Headlands Hotel for 12 hours prior to the killing;

* March 28, 2011. Lachan Kelly-Tumarae, 19, was shot four times by an officer after a police chase in Omahu, near Hastings. Kelly-Tumarae was killed after he stopped his car and pointed a gun at officers;

* June 28, 2009. Shayne Sime, 42, was shot dead by police after a two hour standoff with police in June, 2009, which left an officer and a neighbour injured in the Christchurch suburb of Burnside. Mr Sime, who was wheelchair bound was believed to be depressed at the time and his death was later ruled a suicide;

* January 23, 2009. Halatau Naitoko, 17 - an innocent bystander - was shot dead by police on Auckland's North Western Motorway. Mr Naitoko was caught in the cross-fire of police aiming at Stephen Hohepa McDonald, 50, who had fled and shot at police from a stolen car following an aggravated robbery;

* October 23, 2008. Lee Jane Mettam, 37, was fatally shot by a member of the Armed Offenders Squad in 2008 after she threatened to kill the staff of a Vodafone store in Whangarei and aimed her rifle at police;

* September 26, 2007. Stephen Bellingham, 37, shot dead by a policeman in Christchurch about 8.30pm after smashing cars/car windows with a claw hammer. Said to have been on a party-pill binge. Advanced on the police officer with the hammer. Warned but kept advancing. Hit in chest (fatally) and one leg. Policeman said to have fired four shots (these details just four days later);

* August 14, 2004. Haidar Ebbadi Mahdi 37, died from a bullet to the head as he stabbed his wife being held in a headlock in a South Auckland house on Saturday afternoon;

* April 30, 2000. Steven Wallace, 23, of Waitara, shot after a window smashing spree in the town;

* July 1, 1999. Edwin Leo, 31, shot near Helensville, Northland, following a car chase;

* September 21, 1996. James Raharuhi killed by a single police bullet at a service station in Greenlane, Auckland;

* June 24, 1996. Terence Thompson shot in a Havelock North orchard. Thompson was the prime suspect in the slaying of Constable Glenn McKibbin;

* November 20, 1995. Barry Radcliffe shot after taking a rifle from a sporting goods store in Whangarei;

* September 28, 1995. Eric Gellatly shot in Invercargill, after he took over a sports shop in the central city and began firing indiscriminately;

* July 29, 1993. Larry Hammond died after being shot three times in the Morrinsville police station;

* November 14, 1990. Members of the anti-terrorist squad shot David Malcolm Gray after he killed 13 people at Aramoana, Otago;

* October 27, 1990. Paul Melvin Stowers died after being shot in the forehead by a detective whom he threatened with a shotgun in Newmarket, Auckland;

* March 14, 1986. Benjamin Wharerau shot as he took a hostage in a robbery of a Dargaville bank;

* June 6, 1985. Kevin David Fox was shot after he killed his wife in a car in Gore;

* April 18, 1983. Paul Chase shot by the armed offenders squad in a raid on a Petone, Wellington, flat;

* December 24, 1982. John Edward Morgan shot near Wainuiomata, Wellington, after throwing an axe at police;

* May 20, 1979. Nicholas Panayi shot by the armed offenders squad outside his Henderson, Auckland, home after a domestic dispute;

* October 4, 1976. The armed offenders squad shot Daniel Houpapa after he fires at an officer in Taumarunui;

* 1975. Edward Ross shot by the armed offenders squad as he stabbed his daughter after escaping from a Christchurch psychiatric hospital;

* April 16, 1970. Bruce John Glensor, holding two hostages in a Wellington house shot by the armed offenders squad when he threatened to shoot an officer;

* December 14, 1949. Waata Haremia Momo shot in Weedon, Canterbury, after exchanging shots with police;

* October 20, 1941. West Coast farmer Eric Stanley Graham killed after shooting three policemen and three civilians.

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