오클랜드 한인회, NZ퍼스트당 론 마크 의원에게 인종차별 사과 요구해

오클랜드 한인회, NZ퍼스트당 론 마크 의원에게 인종차별 사과 요구해

2 1,881 KoreaPost

지난 11월5일 NZ퍼스트당의 론마크 의원이 국회에서 국회의원 멜리사 리에게 뉴질랜드를 좋아하지 않으면 "한국으로 돌아가라"는 인종차별성 발언을 한 것에 대해 오클랜드 한인회(회장:김성혁)가 깊은 우려를 표명하면서 론 마크의원에게 10일자로 항의 서한을 보냈다.

오클랜드 한인회는 서한을 통해 깊은 우려를 표명하면서, 다양한 문화를 끌어안는 것이 뉴질랜드의 기본적인 방침인데 뉴질랜드 퍼스트당은 그러한 포용을 반대하는 것 같다며, 론마크 의원 자신의 언행에 반성하고 사과 하기를 바란다는 내용과 함께 이민자들과 비이민자들 사이의 관계 개선을 위한 대책을 제시한다면 매우 의미가 있을 것이라고 서한에서 표현하였다.

오클랜드 한인회는 이 서한을 론 마크 의원 뿐 아니라 존키 수상을 비롯해서 국민당의 데비드 카더, NZ 퍼스트당의 윈스턴 피터 당수, 멜리사 리의원, 노동당의 필 고프의원에게도 같이 보냈다.

아래는 오클랜드 한인회가 보낸 서한의 전문이다.

Melissa Lee discrimination comment-from the Korean Society of Auckland

Dear  Mr. Ron Mark

The Korean Society of Auckland is greatly disappointed by NZ First MP Ron Mark's recent comment during a parliamentary debate, suggesting that National MP Melissa Lee "go back to Korea". As an organisation committed to deepening the rich exchange and melange of cultures between the local community and Korean immigrant society, we are deeply concerned by MP Ron Mark's remarks for a number of reasons.


Firstly, New Zealand is world-renowned for its positive and proactive attitude toward multiculturalism. Its willingness and ability to embrace the richness of cultural diversity is the envy of many countries. It is surprising that a party claiming to put New Zealand first would so blatantly oppose the inclusiveness that makes this country so unique. Inclusiveness is a positive behaviour that benefits both those who practice it and those who receive it. We, the Korean Society of Auckland, are not only proud to live in a country that cherishes this belief, but seek to better practice this open mindedness ourselves so that we can further improve relations between local and immigrant New Zealanders.

It is offensive and unrealistic to suggest that an immigrant must be silent on issues regarding their adopted home country. Immigrants are not emotionless automatons brought in to work, pay taxes, and disappear into their homes, only to be seen but never heard. This is a hugely unhealthy attitude that promotes the bigoted belief that those born overseas either do not belong or are inferior. Immigrants and NZ-born Kiwis should actively engage in robust discussion around issues, whether they are holiday trading hours or education. Furthermore, MP

Mark's comment that MP Lee should not complain about New Zealand seems to fly in the spirit of politics, which largely centres around identifying ways in which the country can be improved so that its residents may benefit.

In conclusion, the Korean Society of Auckland invites MP Ron Mark to reflect upon his comments, which may have been made in the heat of the moment, and to consider its wider-ranging implications for immigrants who hope to contribute to the national discussion in the same way in which we contribute to the nation's tax revenue, spending, education, sporting, culinary and business landscape. We consider it appropriate for MP Mark to apologise for his comments and invite further discussion around ways in which the local and immigrant society can share closer relations.

Kind regards,


Sung Hyuk Kim

President of The Korean Society of Auckland Inc
정말 잘 하신 일입니다. 수고하셨네요.
대단히 잘 하였습니다.추이를 지켜 보겠습니다.
이 기회에 한인들의 단합된 모습을 보여 줍시다.

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