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Six Clan Labs that have been actively manufacturing Methamphetamine and Ecstasy have been located and dismantled in a multi police district operation yesterday.

More than 200 investigators executed 22 search warrants under the Misuse of Drugs Act at identified addresses in six Police Districts – Metropolitan Auckland, Waikato, Northland and Wellington. The raids were carried out simultaneously, on Tuesday 17 August 2010.

Six clan labs operated from a variety of residential, commercial and rural properties. They were found in the Auckland Metro suburbs of Ponsonby, Otahuhu, Glen Innes [2], Glenfield, and Waipu in Northland.

Waitematä Police Field Crime Manager, Detective Inspector Greg Cramer who is head of Operation Slab says the intensive six months investigation has achieved considerable success.

“We expect other clan labs to be found as our enquiries continue. There are ongoing investigations in the Coromandel as we speak,” he said.

The Armed Offenders Squad, Specialist Search Teams, Clan Lab investigators, drug dogs, and specialist members of the ESR as well as CYFS were involved in yesterday’s operation.

“Detective Inspector Cramer said Police were extremely concerned to discover that several children were living in premises in which the dangerous labs were housed. An 11 year old boy was found in a house where a lab was in active production.”

“At another lab location we found a 15 year old girl and a nine year old boy living at the address.”

“Police have seized more than 100 grams of high quality crystal methamphetamine. Large quantities of specific lab equipment and precursor chemicals have been seized. ”

“Our investigations in the Waikato District may take several more days. A large area of bush is being searched. Weapons and firearms have been found.”

“A .25 calibre pistol with numerous rounds of ammunition and a lever action shot gun loaded with five cartridges were found at a Coromandel address. A loaded crossbow and a sawn off shotgun together with ammunition were located at Auckland addresses.”

“Five motor vehicles and two expensive motor cycles have been seized.”

“This investigation highlights the issues that many families have to deal with.”

“Methamphetamine is an insidious drug and it is pervasive through all levels of our society. Some major players are now out of the drug industry as a result of this investigation. Public support and assistance to police has been exceedingly valuable.”

“Ten males and a female have been arrested so far. These individuals are appearing in the Auckland District Court today. They have been charged with manufacturing of methamphetamine and conspiracy to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine and Ecstasy. Other arrests and charges are not being ruled out,” Detective Inspector Greg Cramer said.


ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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