U2 fan are encouraged to use free public transport early

U2 fan are encouraged to use free public transport early

0 개 1,830 NZ코리아포스트
U2 fans are encouraged to use free public transport and get to the concerts early to avoid rush-hour traffic.

Special event buses and trains are free for fans with have a pre-purchased U2 ticket for the 25 and 26 November concerts. Fans will need to hold on to their tickets until after the show to get a free return journey. Normal fares apply for passengers without a valid ticket.

People travelling to the concert are advised to get on public transport early to avoid the peak commuter travel period.

Auckland Transport is also warning concert-goers to stay off the rail lines at all times and for drivers to take care at level crossings.

Auckland Transport Public Transport Operations Manager Mark Lambert says that on the Onehunga line trains will continue to operate as normal before and during the concert, and fans should take extra care whilst going to the concert.

“People who have been to events at Mt Smart in the past may have walked on the tracks. However with the rail line now open this is extremely dangerous.

“Although speed restrictions will be in place people should use their common sense and stay off the rail lines. All pedestrians and motorists should take care in the area,” Mr Lambert says.

Free trains will leave for Britomart every five to seven minutes after the U2 concerts to help deal with the large numbers expected each night. Trains across the Auckland network will be free to fans with U2 tickets from midday until 2am on both nights.

Passengers can also travel for free with a valid concert ticket on special buses to and from Mt Smart Stadium. These run to and from North Shore Busway Stations, Auckland CBD and Manukau/Botany/Pakuranga.

Mr Lambert says public transport is the easiest way for U2 fans to get to the concert.

Fans heading to the gigs should allow plenty of time for getting to Mt Smart. Parking in the area is limited and people driving should expect delays leaving after the concerts. Gates open at 4.30pm, Jay Z plays at 7.30pm and U2 is on from 9.15pm

For more details on public transport services to U2 call MAXX on 3666 400 or visit maxx.co.nz.
About Auckland Transport
Auckland Transport is responsible for all of the region’s transport services (excluding state highways) - from roads and footpaths, to cycling, parking and public transport.
Among its main tasks are:
 To design, build and maintain Auckland’s roads, ferry wharves, cycleways and walkways.
 Co-ordinate road safety and community transport initiatives such as school travel
 Plan and fund bus, train and ferry services across Auckland.

For more information go to www.aucklandtransport.govt.nz.

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